I was very pleased when I was approached by Steinar Kvia Kittilsen a masters student at Sound and Music Computing MSc at Aalborg University Copenhagen to give an interview about my favourite topic – and I was particularly pleased with the result. I think he did a great job and for once I did not come across as a complete wally (I have a back catalogue of those moments I intend to take to the grave – you know the occasions where you are determined to use big words and then discover halfway through using them that they are so big they don’t fit in your mouth). I particularly liked he’s solution to my appalling internet connection and the sync issues – “The video often freezes during the interview, but we can pretend this is on purpose to remind the audience of the artifice!”
Author Archives: admin
Recent activities
My research is now firmly linked with my private life – so to find out more start from here
The posts below are really just for my archive
Chapters in two books on opera
I have made contributions to two books on opera while I have been poorly. Ripping reads, both of them.
The Artist, His Muse, The Singer and Her Lover
Paul is premiering his new piece with Zoe Lister (real) and Zoe Lister (not real) on Saturday. Our 2013 piece ‘My Voice and Me’ written by George and me and with Maria singing is getting another performance as well. Pop along and experience loads of other new operas – promises to be an intriguing festival.
Congratulations Lee Ridley! BBC New Comedy Awards
Should have said this some time ago. Constitutionals Lee for winning bbc new comedy awards http://www.gigglebeats.co.uk/2014/12/lost-voice-guy-wins-bbc-new-comedy-award-2014/
Here is the film we made together before he became so famous.
‘My Voice and Me’ London festival performances
Tweet: Why there’s nothing wrong with being bored by oper…
Why there’s nothing wrong with being bored by opera gu.com/p/3kzep/tw via @guardian
My Voice and Me – Coventry performance
My Voice and Me was performed as part of Intime 2013 at Coventry University on Saturday 19th October 2013. More about it here http://www.coventry.ac.uk/research/research-directory/art-design/intime-experimental-music/intime-2013-programme-/
Tweet: PhD Scolarships including Creative Speech Technolo…
PhD Scolarships including Creative Speech Technology jobs.ac.uk/job/AHS359/phd…