
Recent activities

My research is now firmly linked with my private life – so to find out more start from here

Older stuff below

While being ill I have produced a number of very personal works using artificial voices 

Links to all the CreST Network ‘Articulate’ Roadshow media coverage is here. This includes coverage from BBC Look North, BBC Worldwide, BBC World Service, Radio 5 Live and much more.

The CreST Concert for human and artificial voices was covered by Channel One Russia

The current version of ‘My Voice and Me’

‘Voice by Choice’ video is here

Two live radio interviews made during the Articulate Roadshow

A Radio 3 Interview about ‘The Tingle Factor’

An overview of some of my research activities on Vimeo -13 mins.

An abridged version of the above on Vimeo – 3 mins. This is s significantly abridged summary of some of the work I did the PAT (Place, Authenticity and Time) testing process. This formed the basis of some of the practice I submitted for my PhD.

Video showing the operation of the software on Vimeo – 13 mins.

Video demonstration of the retro telephone interface on Vimeo – 13 mins.

A visually tedious record of Place , Authenticity and Time Testing on Vimeo – 1hr 11 mins

Not I (Beckett) performed by Microsoft Mary on Vimeo – 20 mins

The Magic Flute on Vimeo – 2hrs 15 mins. I directed this for Co-Opera Co in August 2011. This is password protected. If you would like to see it please request a password from Chris Newell